Showcase: Point Cloud Animation WW2 Bunkers

When it comes to presenting scandata in a compelling way, Engineering Consultancy Coenradie has a few tricks. Not only do we make sure to use state of art hardware at all times while 3D laser scanning. We also use the perfect blend of editing and visualization software, depending on your needs.

WW2 Bunkers

These WW2 bunkers can be found on Terschelling, The Netherlands and were part of the Atlantic wall. These are just two of more than ten thousand bunkers which can be found along this 5000km defense line. This point cloud animation showcases “Bertha”, the central (and bomb-proof) command bunker which was used to process radar data. A smaller anti-aircraft bunker, which is close to the command bunker, can also be seen in this animation.

Pointclouds in 3D

Reduced versions of the exterieur of both bunkers can be viewed online in 3D. Please keep in mind that not every computer, tablet or smartphone is capable of viewing this kind of data online and in realtime.

Your project visualized?

Our experts can visualize your project based on supplied scandata, our own scandata, drawings, 3D models concepts or even simple sketches.

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